It is estimated that 80% of end-of-life plastic disposal could be reduced by 2050, reducing system CO2 emissions by 65% through the immediate implementation of 8 complementary system intervention levers, including chemical recycling, in the plastics value chain (Source:

Circular Supply Chain Emerging

Resiclo is well positioned to play a role in the value chain


Understanding Recycling Technologies

Chemical Recycling

This advanced process breaks down plastics to their molecular level, allowing us to create new materials. Techniques include:


Unzipping polymers back into smaller molecules


Heating plastic without oxygen to turn it into hydrocarbons


Converting plastic into syngas, that may be uses as feedstock in plastics production.


Using solvents to dissolve impurities or polymers to purify them.


Breaking down PET plastic using glycols to monomers for repolymerization

Enzymatic Depolymerization

Using enzymes to biologically break down plastics.

Mechanical Recycling

A more traditional method, where plastics are physically reprocessed, without changing their chemical structure. This is common for many types of plastics, although usually, only PET, HDPE, LDPE and PP plastics are mechanically recycled and only PET and HDPE have been turned back into food-grade plastic.


Melting down and reforming plastic into pellets for new products.

Physical Recycling

This technique involves separating layers or contaminants from plastic materials without breaking chemical bonds.


Peeling apart layered materials to recycle them separately.

Solvent Extraction
Using solvents to remove substances from plastics to purify them for reuse.